
High Performance Lubricants Manufacturer In UAE

The Burj-Al Arab rises from the ocean in a majestic arc mimicking the canvas of a sailboat, magically transforming the Dubai coastline. Moving further towards the heart of the city, the skyscrapers provide a silhouette that would humble great cities like Rome and Paris.

Deep in the heart of the Arabian Peninsula along the coast of the Persian Gulf, the desert sands carve out a unique landscape. Within these golden sand dunes lie the beautiful cities of the United Arab Emirates. Each Emirate is unique, however, the cities of Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Sharjah are fast becoming the epicenter of business and industry in the middle-east. The natural beauty of these cities is enhanced by modern structures and buildings that provide breathtaking vistas that capture the imagination.

With the advent of the technology age, the UAE has invested billions of dollars in infrastructure development, technological advancement, and modern resources for industrial and commercial development. The quality of products and services being produced in the Emirates are world-class and second to none. Numerous awards and accolades have presented to companies in these Emirates. It is in this setting that you will find AXCL GULF FZC, the most advanced lubricants blending plant in the region. Although the company is only 28 years of age, the progress made has been phenomenal. With a growth rate of 20% annually, AXCL GULF FZC is one of the fastest-growing companies in the UAE.

Exporting to over 45 countries in 4 continents, AXCL branded lubricants have made a profound mark in the lubricants industry. Being ISO 9001:2015 QMS certified and approved by major auto manufacturers such as Daimler-Chrysler, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagon, and MAN has proved AXCL lubricants to be of the highest standards.

All AXCL employees are experts in their fields and highly trained. The management is very progressive and is constantly striving to improve product value for the customers and provide a level of service that is beyond comparison.

As you will learn in the pages to follow all our products are guaranteed to perform as per the specifications of API (American Petroleum Institute), SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers), MIL (Military Specs), and European and Japanese manufacturers. We hope you will find this product catalogue informative and educational. In case you have any queries or require further information, please drop us a mail or call our customer service desk for assistance.

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